Are 45 Degree Ripples Better For A Sluice Bo

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  • Are 45 Degree Ripples Better For A Sluice Bo

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Riffle Design, Height & Spacings?? | TreasureNet …

The riffles in both boxs are 1" high & spaced at 3.25" but the 3" box they are 45 degree & the 4" box they are greater probably 60 degree like you said. The other day I made different sets of riffles to try in my 36" X 9" box.

Gold Well Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice Box

This sluice has even been operated at a 45 degree angle and still captured gold, including fine gold. But for most purposes the angle of use should probably fall in the range of 5 to 15 degrees, depending on needs. (For reference, 1.5 inch per foot of length equals 5 degrees. 3.5 inches per foot of length equals 15 degrees) Steeper angles ...

General High Banker Instructions

approximately a 10 degree angle. a. The angle may have to be re-adjusted once the proper flow has been determined. The angle of the sluice to determine the proper flow is generally as close to level position as possible without allowing the gravel to build up over the riffles. If the sluice box is tilted too much the material will flow over the ...

Sluicing for Gold

Now, the rules of thumb on the sluice box is that the sluice box should have a one inch drop for every foot of sluice and that will create a proper flow now as far as the amount of water on top I see some guys run it a foot under water and it still works for them. Me? I like to have mine with about half way sticking up out of the water ...

Gold Sluice Box Design

The gold sluice box is an efficient alternative to panning for gold, allowing the prospector to quickly sift through a much greater volume of sediment. Although many affordable varieties are available to purchase, they are even more affordable to build. With a little knowledge, skill, and creativity, a prospector can build a custom sluice box from almost any type of solid …

Best Sluice Box for Beginners: A Buyer's Guide

While the first makes it easier to carry them and reduces the device's weight, the other helps you anchor them better to the bottom of the streambed. Best Sluice Box for Beginners ... With a weight of just under 2.45 lbs (1.1kg), this sluice box fits easily into any prospector's backpack. The polypropylene plastic design ensures high ...


Now, if the box is running too slow, you will not see most of the carpet clear behind the first riffle for something over 45 seconds of time. If the box is running too fast then you will see most of …

Sluicing 101

The sluice boxes in the days of the 49'ers were very similar to the ones of today. The primary difference is the construction and materials. Sluice boxes were built of heavy wood planks, because lumber was cheap and easily obtainable. Today's sluice boxes are constructed of light weight aluminum and steel.


Sluice Boxes: EZ Sluice Box (B/O) Jobe Yellow Jacket Sluice Boxes (36" OR 45") Regular price: $129.95 Sale price: Keene A51 Mini Sluice Box : Keene Super Mini Sluice Box A-51A : Miners Moss - Nomad Sluice Carpeting Regular price: $34.95 Sale price: Sluice Matting - ribbed vinyl mats Regular price: $12.95 Sale price: Riffles and Sluice Boxes ...

How to Set Up and Use a Sluice Box

Sluice Box Set-Up & Use Getting the flow right is the key to running a sluice. Too much water, moving too quickly will carry gold higher in suspension. The science might be tricky to explain, but basically the upper layer of water is not affected by the riffles as much as the lower layer. While the lower layer is rolling behind the riffle, the ...

(PDF) Hydraulic Performance of Sluice Gates: A Review of …

Sluice gates are commonly used water management structures; they are able to deliver flow among both major and minor channels. When used for these operations, they are sometimes referred to as ...

Gold Mining Sluice Boxes & Accessories for Sale

Order gold mining sluice boxes and accessories you need today at High Plains Prospectors. We carry sluice boxes, matting, miner's moss and much more. FREE Shipping Orders over $125* ... $45. 24" Gold Prospecting Sluice Box - …

Is a 30 or 45 Degree Incline Bench Better?

Whether a 30 or 45-degree incline bench is best for you depends on your fitness goals. If you want to work the lower chest muscles, a 45-degree angle is the way to go. If you want to work on your upper chest muscles and shoulders, …

How to Make a Sluice Box

DIY Sluice Box. Building a sluice box for gold prospecting is a fairly simple project, and is a fun way to spend the winter in preparation for the mining season. Using simple tools, you can design and make your own sluice box, and be …

» The Size of Riffles

Let's just use the example of a 5-inch dredge. The nozzle-restriction will allow a 4.5-inch rock to be sucked up into the sluice box. And there must be enough water-flow through the sluice to keep the 4.5-inch rocks, and everything else that is being …

How To Build and Operate Sluice Boxes

For fine gold recovery the use of riffles can actually be a negative design element and most boxes specifically built for this type of gold don't use any type of riffle system. Good examples of this …

Riffle Design, Height & Spacings?? | TreasureNet The …

The riffles in both boxs are 1" high & spaced at 3.25" but the 3" box they are 45 degree & the 4" box they are greater probably 60 degree like you said. The other day I made different sets of riffles to try in my 36" X 9" box. First set was at 18 degree from vertical with a .25" top lip that had an 18 degree kick up from horizontal.

Dream Mat questions?

Dream mat should be much better there. Oregon Viking Gold Member. Jan 6, 2014 13,793 49,606 Brookings-Harbor and Galice Oregon Detector(s) used White's prizm IV ... The more different styles of mat in a sluice, the better, I believe. I love my Gold Hog mats and the Dream Mat looks good but time will tell. The guy in the video above looked like ...

Best Sluice Box for Fine Gold: A Buyer's Guide

Usually made of iron, these riffles take the shape of a 90-degree angle[6] and are the preferred types of riffles used in more extensive operations. ... Ultimately, this alternative device is a better choice than a standard sluice box if you are …


The grizzly is an important part of a sluice box, as it separates the finer materials from the larger rocks and pebbles, permitting more efficient gold separation. It is installed from the end of the shovel-inbox down to the end of the first sluice …

How to Set Up and Use a Gold Sluice Box

Stream Sluice Setup. Water should enter the wide end of the sluice. It is frequently made of metal, but might also be of wood or plastic. It is the wide end and quickly tapers to the width of your riffled material. Weighting down your sluice may be necessary. The sluice will be carried downstream without added weight if the stream current is ...

Riffles and Sluice Boxes

Riffles cause small barriers to the water flow which creates eddies in the water, giving the heavier material (black sand and gold) a chance to drop to the bottom, behind the riffles. The "upstream" end of the sluice can also have a flare to aid …

Maximizing Gold Recovery with a Highbanker: Tips and …

The sluice needs to be angled correctly in order to allow the gold to settle into the riffles, while still allowing lighter material to wash away. The ideal angle can vary depending on the material being processed and the water flow, but a general guideline is to aim for an angle of around 5-15 degrees.

sluice boxes 101

Early sluice boxes were nothing more than wood or fine clay troughs. Many different types of riffles were tried, stone, logs, grass, sticks, etc. The pioneer prospectors found that a rough wooden sluice with raised wooden slats worked best and was easy to build. The principal behind the sluice box is the same no matter what design is used.

Expanded mesh vs riffles. Marine carpet vs Miners moss the …

I am looking for the best setup in my sluice box. I reckon I might be missing a little bit of the fine stuff whilst sluicing. Whats everyone's take on the mesh versus "straight bar " riffles. I am kind of still new at this but I think that expanded mesh will be better with fine gold recovery than the bars just from the way the water runs over it.

sluice box riffle designs and dynamics

sluice bo riffle designs and dynamics. Sluice Boxes Gold Fever Prospecting- best sluice for fine gold recovery,Amazingly one of the very best gold mining devices on the market today is still the traditional Shaw Veranda Sluice Carpet for fine gold recovery (SOLD OUT)Sluice box from Angus Mackirk get the fine gold laddie!The Angus MacKirk Sluice box is Light Weight, Strong and the …

Which Riffles Work Best in the Sluice Box?

1) smaller classification screens and then run those cons separately. 2) slow or speed up the water flow to help clear the mat's . Run another sluice box parallel to your …

A Recirculating Sluice Box for Gold Prospecting

So I decided to build a recirculating sluice that would recycle a little water over and over again. Here is a video of the finished sluice in operation in its final configuration. This sluice went through several revisions and lots of tweaking before getting to this finished product. You can see the entire evolution of this project on my web site.

two 45 degree elbows instead of a 90 degree?

Here is a pic. Facing the wood stove, the chimney pipe would go up and out the left wall (The wall with the insulation in it). If I did use two 45s, technically I would come up 1 foot, go into a 45, go diagonally about 30 to 40 inches, go into the second 45, go about 6 inches horizontally and then continue horizontally with a 2 foot section of stainless steel double …

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