OneMine | Quality Control at Hamersley Iron
Quality control in the mine centres around maintaining the target fines grade, compensation being applied in the mine if the fines grade lies outside the target range. The Tom Price orebody, in …
Quality control in the mine centres around maintaining the target fines grade, compensation being applied in the mine if the fines grade lies outside the target range. The Tom Price orebody, in …
Mineralogical features of the iron ores and the hosting BIFs have been used as key evidence to support hypotheses of the origin of iron-ore deposits in the Hamersley Province directly by reflected ...
BIF-HOSTED IRON ORE DEPOSITS- HAMERSLEY STYLE 209 Introduction Much of the following text is summarised from Morris (1980, 1985) and Harmsworth et al. (1990), which should be consulted ... The ore quality ranges from high-grade residues ofmartite (oxidised magnctite = hematite) ± primary hematite
Stratigraphy of the Hamersley Province in Western Australia, featuring alternating units of banded iron formations and shales with contrasting electrical properties in a mostly gently undulating shallow-dipping layered geometry, is particularly favourable to airborne time-domain electromagnetic mapping techniques. Manipulated vertical cross-sections of modelled …
The Hamersley Province of Western Australia (Fig. 1) contains numerous economic deposits of iron ore where millimetre to centimetre scale magnetite and chert layers of Proterozoic banded iron-formation (BIF) have been converted to oxidized iron minerals (Harmsworth et al., 1990).Collectively, these deposits produce approximately 100 Mt/year of …
The Marra Mamba Iron Formation varies considerably in thickness, as based on sections measured in the field; however, not enough drill hole data are available to provide a …
The Hamersley Range is situated at the southern edge of the Pilbara craton and consists of Archaean-Palaeoproterozoic volcanics, metasediments and, of course, banded iron formation …
The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajás Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., deposits in the …
The Hamersley province of northwest Western Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore regions. The high-grade iron ore deposits are mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman and Marra Mamba Iron Formations of the Hamersley Group and consist of two types: martite-microplaty hematite containing between 60 and 68 wt …
The fluvial goethite–hematite channel iron deposits (CID) of the Pilbara region of Western Australia, formerly known as the 'Robe Pisolite', represent a major source of iron ore mined in the Hamersley Province.
The genesis models of the iron-ores hosted in banded iron formations (BIFs) in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia have been debated since the iron-ore deposits were discovered in the 1960s. The …
Research led by Curtin University reveals that Earth's largest iron ore deposits—in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia—are about one billion years younger than previously believed. This discovery could greatly …
Research led by Curtin University has revealed that Earth's largest iron ore deposits – in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia – are about one billion years younger than previously...
It forms part of Rio Tinto's Hamersley group of operations and is located approximately 10 kilometres east of Paraburdoo. Eastern Range was the second foreign JV after Channar that Rio Tinto embarked on. As part of the JV agreement, Boasteel has off-take rights for an equivalent volume of Pilbara Blend product into which Eastern Range ore ...
Key words: Airborne electromagnetic, laterally constrained inversion, banded iron-formation, weathering, iron ore exploration. INTRODUCTION Banded iron-formation (BIF) hosted bedded iron deposits constitute the main source of iron ore in the Hamersley Province. While ore genesis models vary, most agree that localised iron ore enrichment is ...
Understanding iron ore mineralogy is important. In the last 16 years, Chinese iron ore imports have risen by a factor of 14.6 from 70 million tonnes in 2000 to 1.02 billion tonnes in 2016 (source ). This increase, largely driven by demand for high-quality iron ore, has resulted in a more demanding production environment.
Enrichment iron ore of the Hamersley Province, currently estimated at a resource of over 40 billion tonnes (Gt), mainly consists of BIF (banded iron-formation)-hosted bedded iron deposits (BID) and channel iron deposits (CID), with only minor detrital iron deposits (DID). The Hamersley BID comprises two major ore types: the dominant supergene martite–goethite (M …
The Hamersley Province in the northwest of Western Australia contains extensive banded iron formations (BIFs) and large hematite-goethite deposits. Density information of rocks and ores in this region has been scarce. This study reports the results of a systematic density investigations based on more than eight hundred density datasets in the province. This study …
Equinox Resources has defined a 108.5Mt @ 58 per cent Fe direct shipping ore (DSO) resource at its Hamersley iron ore project in WA's Pilbara, with significant upside exploration potential to ...
The Mount Whaleback iron ore deposit at Newman, Western Australia comprises the largest known continuous iron ore deposit in Australia, originally with a Measured Resource in excess of 1700 Mt of hematite ore. The deposit occurs within the Hamersley Province which forms part of the Pilbara Block in the NW of Western Australia (Figure 1). The Mount Whaleback iron ore …
There are several models for the formation of BIF-hosted high-grade iron ore deposits in the Hamersley Province. Although these models include supergene/metamorphic (Morris, Thornber and Ewers ...
In the past, low-quality iron-ore concentrate has been blended with high-quality iron-ore, in an attempt to 'dilute' the P and K contained within the export iron-ore concentrate of the mine ...
Angerer et al. (2015) describe broad conceptual models for BIF-hosted iron ore in the Hamersley Province and Yilgarn Craton, both in Western Australia. The Hamersley Province model is used for ...
Currently, most mining companies conduct chemical analyses by X-ray fluorescence performed in the laboratory to evaluate the quality of Fe ore, where the focus is mainly on the Fe content and the presence of impurities. …
Yandicoogina is a conventional open cut iron ore mine located approximately 90 kilometres north-west of Newman. It produces 57 Mtpa making it one of the largest iron ore mines in the world. It is Rio Tinto's lowest cost mine due to its scale, low strip ratio, high mass recovery and simplicity of the orebody.
The Hamersley Iron ore resources are geologically complex with fluctuations in mineral chemistry. From this resource Hamersley Iron must produce consistently high quality direct shipping products and have the ability to evaluate the effects of changes in demand. In order to achieve these objectives an incremental long term planning technique has been developed. This method …
Phosphorous is an undesired element present in iron ore used in the steel making process. It leads to an increase in overall production cost as well as deteriorated steel quality. The desired phosphorus content in iron ores used in steel making is < 0.1%. Numerous beneficiation studies are mentioned in the literature; however, there is no commercial scale technology …
Both types are often found in the same deposit. The quality of the iron ore in these deposits is dependent on the bedded iron ore deposit which was the source of the ore particles. ... Opaque mineralogy and magnetic properties of selected banded iron-formations, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. Aust. J. Earth Sci., 49 (2002), pp. 579-586 ...
Intensive exploration for iron ore in the banded iron-formations (BIF) of the Pilbara region of Western Australia began in the early sixties and almost immediately established the …
The genesis models of the iron-ores hosted in banded iron formations (BIFs) in the Hamersley Province of Western Australia have been debated since the iron-ore deposits were discovered in the 1960s.
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