Granite Thin Section

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Granite and diorite petrographic thin section images

Download scientific diagram | Granite and diorite petrographic thin section images from publication: Rock classification in petrographic thin section images based on concatenated convolutional ...


The mineralogy of this granite is relatively simple - biotite, quartz and two feldspars (plagioclase and K-feldspar). Fluorapatite, ilmenite and titanite are also present in minor amounts. The …

Name that Mineral

Name That Mineral contains a large dataset of minerals and their observable properties for identifying minerals in thin sections and polished mounts. These properties are categorised into transmitted light and reflected light microscopy.

2.9: Atlas of Minerals in Thin Section

Resources: Optical Properties; Resources: Minerals in Thin Section; Optical and Crystallographic Axes Diagrams. Feldspar Group; Talc; Mica Group; Chlorite Group

An introduction to minerals and rocks under the microscope

Look at the granite in thin section using the Virtual Microscope (found under the 'Igneous rocks' category) in plane-polarised light. The quartz crystals have very low relief, and are almost invisible. When viewed between crossed polars they show low-order, grey interference colours and, unlike the other low-relief mineral in the thin ...

I05. Granite

Click the microscope button to view a thin section for this sample. I05. Granite. This appears fairly fresh in hand specimen, but in thin section can be seen to be slightly altered.

The interpretation of granitic textures from serial thin …

The work highlights the important factors and potential problems in the use of serial thin sections and imaging in the analysis of complex polyphase rock textures. Keywords. texture granite image analysis serial thin section Peru. ... Three-dimensional study on the interconnection and shape of crystals in a graphic granite by X-ray CT and image ...

Granite TS

Granite Thin Section Photos. Click on any photo for a larger image. Some of the larger images may be on other web sites and will open in a new window. Return to granite Page Hand Samples Phase Maps. grnts_001. Muscovite-biotite …

The interpretation of granitic textures from serial thin …

use of serial thin sections and imaging in the analysis of complex polyphase rock textures. KEYWORDS: texture, granite, image analysis, serial thin section, Peru. Introduction AN understanding of igneous rock textures is fundamental to the interpretation of magma chamber fluid dynamic and chemical processes, and

Kyanite thin section

Relief: High positive Habit/Form: Kyanite commonly forms elongate bladed or columnar crystals that may appear to be bent. It is rarely fibrous. Color: Colorless to pale blue; violet blue (thick section), cobalt blue (thick section) Pleochroism: …

Preparation methods in Mineralogy and Geology: The preparation of thin

Basics for the preparation of thin sections and polished thick sections 1.1 Structure of a petrographic thin section 1.2 Selection of the object section and its three-dimensional position 1.3 ...

Biotite thin section

Relief: Moderate positive Habit/Form: Euhedral crystals are not uncommon, are usually tabular parallel to (001), and have a roughly hexagonal cross section. Also found as micaceous or tabular grains, or grains with irregular outline. Grains may be bent, particularly in metamorphic rocks.


Granite is a medium-tocoarse-grained acid igneous rock with essential quartz (>20%) and feldspar, where alkali feldspar constitutes between 100 and 35% of the feldspars, and minor mafic minerals. hornblende and biotite are the commonest mafic minerals, however, muscovite is also frequently encountered. Pyroxene, andalusite, corundum, tourmaline ...

Thin-section images of granite samples.

All samples were polished thin sections, 30 μm thick, of standard size measuring 22 mm × 22 mm. Thin-section identification requires repeated observation of single-polarization and …

Kaolinised granite

This altered granite comes from Littlejohn's china clay pit, St Austell, Cornwall. China clay in this area was created while the molten granite was still cooling, when it was fluxed by fluids rich in water, boron and fluorine, attacking the sodium-rich feldspar. ... In thin section the rock contains highly altered plagioclase and orthoclase ...

Quartz-tourmaline rock

The outcrop is part of the northern flank of the St Austell granite. Shorl is a local term for a tourmaline rich granitic rock, and this one represents a late phase of the St Austell granite body, that formed after most of the body had crystallised. …

An introduction to minerals and rocks under the microscope

Examine the granite thin section between crossed polars. In View 3, on rotation, the plagioclase crystal shows varying extinction between a central zone and a marginal zone. This effect is due to progressive compositional variation, often called zoning, which may arise due to mineral growth or to diffusion of elements (as in olivines).

Alkali Feldspar – Geology is the Way

In thin section… α(α^a = 18° microcline, 5° orthoclase and sanidine, 10° anorthoclase): 1.518-1.529 ... Plagioclase, Biotite, Microcline and Quartz in a Granite (field of view = 7mm). Photo by Alessandro Da Mommio …

Sandstones in thin section

The thin section is shown only in plain polarized light; in most cases it is easier to see textural attributes in PPL than under crossed nicols. A scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a rock from the same formation reminds us that all physical aspects of a rock are three dimensional. ... Primarily felsic plutonic rocks, (granite, granodiorite ...

5.7: Identifying Minerals and Mineral Properties in Thin Section

Learning to identify minerals in thin section takes practice. But, if we have a hand specimen or know what kind of rock we are looking at, the most likely possibilities are limited – and identification is simplified. And some common minerals have key properties that make identification straightforward. So, just like identifying hand specimens ...

Thin section microphotographs of granite …

Thin section microphotographs of granite pegmatite (a, b), granite aplite (c, d), aplite (e), granodiorite (f) and lamprophyre diorite (g, h). b and h are plane-polarized light images....

AF-Granite Thin Sections

Thin section of the Cape Ann Granite in plane polarized light (ppl). The cloudy gray minerals are alkali felspar (microperthite). The colorless mineral is quartz. The dark green to brown minerals are an iron-rich clinopyroxene (aegirine) …

Granite | NOVA Mineralogy

Granite in Thin Section Thin Section GigaPans. This biotite granite features biotite, quartz (note that most of it is about one order too thick, which accounts for the yellowish color), perthite, microcline, plag, and muscovite. Several of the biotite grains include zircon. Biotite granite, …

Rock thin-section analysis and identification based on …

Thin-section identification requires repeated observation of single-polarization and orthogonal polarization at multiple angles, and may also rely on fluorescent luminescence and other means. Even an experienced professional may take at least 4 h to complete the identification of one sample. In addition, the training of qualified identification ...

2.3.2 Minerals in thin section

2.3.2 Minerals in thin section. Microscopic examination of a rock in thin section enables its constituent minerals and its textural properties to be identified. These are important and essential steps in establishing a rock's identity and in deducing how it was formed. ... Look at the granite thin section (which can be found under the ...

Rocks in thin section

This is a thin section of a rock made of quartz, plagioclase feldspar, K-feldspar, biotite mica and muscovite mica grains. Images in this resource could be used to practise microscope drawing skills. Try comparing this thin section with the …

-Petrographic images of granite thin sections: a) …

Download scientific diagram | -Petrographic images of granite thin sections: a) and b) overview showing quartz, potassium feldspar, plagioclase and biotite crystals in granite showing the high ...


In plain light, biotite in a granite appears a slightly drab brown. Radiation damage from zircon can leave pleochroic spots that fade to extinction at a different rate that the surrounding, undamaged material. ... This is an image of a thin section containing biotite. It is seen now in plane polarized light as a brown to tan color. Under cross ...

Glauconite thin section

Relief: Moderate positive Habit/Form: Glauconite forms small pellets or granules in sedimentary rocks, or casts of foraminifera or other microfossils. The pellets and casts usually consist of aggregates of fine, irregular flakes. A variety called celoadonite is essentially the same but forms small radiating masses in vesicles in volcanic rocks.

Granite under PPL and XPL | Download Scientific …

Cleavage is visible as thin lines in two directions nearly 90 0 other sections will show no cleavage or one direction only and Relief low negative. ... (Granite and basic dykes) and thin patches ...

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